Take advantage of Email marketing
There will be approximately 4,3 billion email users by 2022. That’s a huge number of users, more than half of the total population. Better yet, Email is one of the best communications channels to use in your marketing campaigns. According to studies, for each dollar you spend on marketing you get $40 in return. Better yet, more than 75% of marketers have noticed an increase in email engagement this year. Those numbers show us that now it’s a great opportunity to explode email potential for boosting your sales and attracting new prospects.
Importance of design and composing
When sending email campaigns, there are many things you have to bear in mind so your campaign is more optimal to deliver faster and better results. The composing and design of your emails are two of them.
Email composing
It refers to the writing stage of your email. When composing an email, you have to fill in multiple fields on your composing window. Among others, you need to input the recipient’s email address, the subject, the preheader text, and the content. It’s highly recommended to keep your emails short and goal-focused. If the objective of the email is to drive a sale, you only provide the relevant words to fulfill that target. Using the power and catchy words is a good idea.
Email design
Refer to the structure and aesthetic elements inside your email. When designing an email you have to make multiple decisions that will decide the fate of your email. A bad-designed email will most likely be flagged as spam. You have to make sure your email remains simple and readable. It’s highly recommended to use the lesser images as possible, and not use too many colors. Also, consider using just the right breakpoints to remain it readable for most audiences.
Using email templates
Using templates for your email campaigns is a good idea for the simple reason that they save you time. Using a template will speed up the process of sending your campaigns as you won’t have to design and compose the content of your emails over and over again. They also will help your brand to keep consistent as all of your emails will have the same design and structure. You can also categorize and segment your templates so you have a template for frequent use cases. Here are some frequent use cases your templates for:
Welcome Emails
You can use a template to welcome your contacts when they subscribe to your lists. You only need to change the content a little to fit the style and category of each list on your database.
Notification emails
A templated notification email will make that all of your notification emails remain with the same structure and design. You can use them for sending subscription notifications, password changes, purchase notifications, status of orders, among others.
You can send a templated email for each time you publish a new article or blog post. You can use multiple templates for each topic or category you have on your website. In this way, your newsletter will be consistent, and when recipients see the preview will recognize immediately what the email is about.
For those that host events very often. Using a template for sending invitations will streamline the process of sending emails for each one. You can also categorize your event emails so each category would have a different look.
Products updates
You can create a template to send an email each time you publish or update a new product or service. For example, if you update an item’s price to a sale price, you can use a template for “new offers”.
Dedicated emails
If you send multiple personal dedicated emails, it’d be difficult to design each email from scratch. That’s why you would use a template. You could use segmentations on your list to use a template that fits better the characteristics of each fragment.
How to create your templates on Maropost
Creating a new template with Maropost is very straightforward. The time you spend building your template would depend on how detailed and how many elements you are thinking of using. If your template is too complex perhaps you’ll spend more time polishing the details and style. But once your template is ready you’ll only need to insert it and change the content a bit in order to send it. In the next steps, we will show you how to create a new template and then, how you can insert it into your email content:
Build your template
1.- Go to your main dashboard and click on the “CONTENT” tab at the main menu.
2.- Look for the “Template Library” item and click on it.
3.- It will display a screen with a list of your custom templates. To create a new one click on the “NEW TEMPLATE” button at the upper right of your screen.
4.- Give a name for your new template. Choose the editor that is more comfortable for you. The WYSIWYG is more complete but it can also be more technical. For this tutorial, we will use it, as it allows us to insert source code and have more control over the style. Click on “CREATE”.
5.- Insert all of the elements your template requires. Remember to give a professional look to your email. Don’t oversaturate your email with lots of images and buttons as it will be flagged as spam. If you are using the drag and drop builder remember to configure the properties for each element to create a nice layout.
6.- You can also insert dynamic content if you need to.
7.- Review your template before saving it. Check that everything is properly styled. Once you are satisfied with it, click “Save”.
8.- When your template is saved you can make a preview of it by clicking the “Preview Template” button. It is located inside the three-dots dropdown in the actions column.
Using your template
9.-If you are happy with your template, you can start adding it to your email content by simply looking for it in the Templates search box. When you find it click on it and it will be inserted into your content.
That’s how easy it is to create templates for your emails in Maropost. You can start now creating templates for each frequent use case in your marketing flows. Remember that if you need help creating your templates or you need someone design them for you, we can do it for you. We can also help you with any need or issue you have with your Maropost dashboard. If you are interested don’t hesitate to contact us and we will reach to you as soon as possible.