How to Create Effective FOMO Emails

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Ever feel like everyone else is getting amazing deals and you’re missing out? That’s FOMO – the fear of missing out. Marketers use FOMO emails to trigger this feeling and nudge people to take action. Used well, they can be a powerful tool to boost sales and engagement. In this guide, we will talk about how to craft FOMO emails ethically and effectively.

Craft a compelling FOMO subject line

A good email starts with a strong subject line, which seals the fate of your email because, let’s face it, a dull or bad subject line can cause your email to be ignored or, worse, end up in spam. Moreover, it influences the click-through rate within the body of the email. Therefore, it’s crucial to craft it with that in mind.

Here are a few examples of strong FOMO subject lines for inspiration:

  1. Last Chance! ⏳ Claim your free gift before it’s gone!
  2. πŸ”₯ 15% OFF EVERYTHING – don’t miss it!
  3. UP TO 82% OFF this week πŸ”₯ Don’t miss refurbished phone SALE ♻️
  4. πŸ”‹ ONLY TODAY! Smart discount – 28% on the PARKSIDE smart battery 20 V/8 Ah πŸ‘‰
  5. Last chance – 50 € discount only until midnight todayπŸ“£
  6. Last chance: 20% discount on purchases over €200
  7. Today only: €10 off your purchase!
  8. Take advantage of free shipping – only this week
  9. 20% off EVERYTHING today πŸ‘‰ Only for club members
  10. FINAL HOURS, [NAME]! €10 off for your birthday

Trigger the FOMO feeling with scarcity

You’ve probably been in a situation when you see a delicious cake at the bakery, but there’s only one slice left! Suddenly, that cake becomes way more tempting, right? This is the power of scarcity in action. Similarly, FOMO emails use this same idea to make their offers feel more exciting.

Here are two strategies to create that sense of scarcity and exclusivity:

  • Almost gone: “Only a few left of this hot item – get yours now!” Highlight limited quantities to spark a fear of missing out. Consequently, this will encourage faster decision-making.
  • Exclusivity: Make the offer available to a select group only, such as “This deal is only for our VIP members!” For example, a bakery could offer early access to new flavored cookies that won’t be available to the public for another week. Clearly state, “VIP members like you get to taste them early! Pre-order your limited-edition cookies now before they disappear!

Create a sense of urgency

Have you ever been scrolling through social media and seen a post about an amazing deal that ends “TODAY ONLY”? Or maybe you received an email announcing a limited-time sale with a countdown timer? These are examples of marketers using another powerful tool: a sense of urgency.

Here are some examples of how creating urgency in emails can be effective:

  • Limited-time deals: “Flash Sale! 50% off for 24 hours only!” Using a clear deadline makes people feel like they need to act fast. Hence, show them special deals that only last a short time.
  • Countdown Timers: “Only 3 hours left to grab this deal!” Seeing a timer ticking down makes the limited-time offer feel real and concrete. It’s not just a vague statement – it’s happening right now!

All in all, both techniques focus on getting people to take action before it’s too late.

Create FOMO emails fueled by social proof

Social proof is a fancy way of saying “people trust others who like the same things.” FOMO emails use this idea to make products or services seem even more desirable.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Show happy customers: Imagine you’re selling delicious cookies. Your email could include a picture of someone enjoying them and a quote like: “These cookies are amazing! They’re the perfect treat.” This lets potential customers see others loving your product.
  • Make it seem popular: Let’s say you’re selling a fun new game. Your email could mention: “Over 1,000 people are already playing our game! Join the fun!” This creates a sense of popularity and makes people want to join in.
  • Testimonials & reviews: You can even include real customer testimonials and reviews to build trust.

Basically, you’re bragging a little (but in a good way) about how much people love your products.

Skip the hype, highlight the “why”

FOMO emails can be tempting to fill with exciting words and flashy pictures, but sometimes, simplicity is key. People want to know: why should I care? In other words, you need to focus on the benefits of what you are selling. To better understand this, let’s take a look at some examples.

For instance, explain what it does instead of saying “Our new fitness tracker is the ultimate workout companion!” you can mention that it “tracks your steps, monitors your sleep, and even plays motivating music!”. Essentially, those specific features are benefits for the user’s health and fitness goals.

Try to avoid empty phrases like “This cleaning spray is amazing!” Instead, explain how exactly it helps. Mention “cuts through tough grime in seconds, leaving your kitchen sparkling clean!”. This particular example focuses on the benefit of effortless cleaning.

It’s incredibly important to remember that you are selling a solution, not just a product. Thus, you need to explain how your product or service improves your potential customers’ lives.

Personalize your FOMO emails

In 2024, one-size-fits-all email marketing is dead. Research by Accenture found that 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that provide relevant offers and recommendations. Personalization, of course, goes beyond just goes just using a customer’s name. In fact, you can use customer behavior to personalize your FOMO emails, which is more likely to trigger a purchase decision. Powerful email marketing platforms like Activecampign make this easy to do.

Imagine you have an online cosmetic brand. If a product recently went out of stock and has now returned, you could notify customers who had it in their favorites, or were tracking it with the message: “[Product Name] is back in stock! Don’t miss out on your chance to grab it this time.” This specific subject line gently plays on scarcity without explicitly stating the limited quantities.

Generally, personalization can personalize the scarcity, making FOMO even more effective.

Final thoughts on FOMO emails

FOMO emails can be a powerful tool but remember to focus on value and be genuine. The offer needs to be actually great, not just scarce, and you should highlight that. Avoid creating fake urgency or scarcity, and make sure it’s relevant to the recipient’s interests. Most importantly, don’t bombard people with constant FOMO tactics.

Used strategically, FOMO emails can grab attention and encourage action. That being said, prioritize offering real value and avoid being overly pushy.

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Ross Jenkins

Ross Jenkins

Ross Jenkins is the founder of DigitalME and is an ActiveCampaign Certified Consultant. He is ranked #1 on UpWork for his proficiency in digital marketing. DigitalME offers targeted digital solutions and is perfect for anyone who wants to increase leads, sales, and productivity through automation.